This is a collection of world building that I completed throughout the Darksiders 2 project. The typical task involved taking a "grey-box" space to a fully arted area while preserving the design architecture such as traversal, puzzles and combat spaces. Using modular pieces in combination with a few kitbashed assets, such as cave walls or towers, the environment art team was able to create a multitude of environments within very strict visual budgets. In most of these screenshots, I completed 100% of the world-building. In all a secondary lighting and fx pass were done, though I did create the first passes.
In this image, I did all of the worldbuilding, with a custom floor made in max instead of using terrain. It had to fit perfectly with an underwater bridge that rises out of the water. |
Same as above |
Here I created this wall out of modular pieces and shaped the terrain around it, using cliff meshes to create the organic rock on the side. The terrain sloped up to architecture and cliff, with a path leading through the area. |
Here I did the architecture for this small outdoor section, basically an arena. I created a few broken versions of the aqueduct pieces for use in here to add interesting water effects in the gameplay space, while still maintaining room for combat. I did the vista in this room as well. |
Same as above, more broken aqueducts for interesting water effects, and a purely asthetic facade. First pass effects by me. |
In this room, a giant mechanism holds one of the lifestones in the dungeon. This room is also a boss room, where you fight a mad construct. All the corruption is breakable, so as not to interfere with combat, and most geometry is out of reach by the player. |
A small, purely decorative room. One of the last rooms of the dungeon, it symbolizes the last struggle of the makers against the corruption. |
A traversal room, this is the top, where corruption has seeped into the dungeon. |
A puzzle room, this elevator mechanism in the center was created by me. It was kitbashed using trim textures made by our artists. This is one of the most corrupted rooms in the dungeon, and using alpha cards and meshes, it captures the defeat suffered at the hands of corruption. |
A traversal hallway. This was a very tricky one since the traversal beams were basically floating in mid-air when greyboxed. I figured out a way to make architectural sense, in addition to making the lava an important factor in the room. |
In this image I did only the corruption in the area. At first it was barren with nothing, but design came up with the idea to add alot. And so I did, working with geometry added by other artists. |
I completed this combat room, basically a boxed room. I decided to round out the corners to create more interest and add grating to the roof to allow the hanging coffins. |
This is purely a combat room where waves and waves of enemies fight you. I wanted to make it interesting so I flipped it upside down, actually building it this way to make sure the combat space wouldn't be affected. |
A huge puzzle room with alot of factors involved. Again, taking from a completely greybox environment. I had to incorporate a second level that basically sat on top of the first, so adding a balcony where the switch was helped show it's importance. |
I did the lighting and effects pass in this room. A basic hallway that was originally meant only to go into another room. They needed a spot where the splitter could be used, so I added an alcove to the side and gave it some effects to boost it's appearance. |
A basic hallway, this side-dungeon involved alot of custom meshes, mostly cave, which I completed for this room. It involves everything from the walls and roof to the floor. Assets were then placed above it to add interest. Pushing back the walls as well provided a more "perilous" feel to it, and added visual interest. |
A puzzle room, this one involved the use of bridges in order to get to the chest on the other side. In the same dungeon as the one above, I needed to present a goal to the player, which can be easily seen by the lighting. |
Another boss room, this one required a relatively flat combat space, but still needed to be interesting. I created this lighting pass to add visual interest all around, while kitbashing the floor design to highlight the small alcove on the landing above, where the dungeon boss arrives from. |
I just completed this sort of background facade, where the player comes into the room from. This room is the boss room of the dungeon. It was super important to create a facade that completely blocked the room behind it, another fairly tall room. Also, it was designed to look like the top of the giant spire you had been traversing throughout the dungeon. |
A giant puzzle room, this angel area required alot of traversal along the walls and interacting with portals. What was originally a floating rock holding the back of the portal, I decided to make a statue standing on a pedestal, with a table mesh jammed in the back, holding the portal. Almost all of the architecture was custom built for this room, including the giant floating tower that split from it's base, the bottom of which also holds a portal. |
A simple earth environment, this was a nice chance to do something similar to Darksiders 1. Here the corruption is used as a light source and pathway for the players. |
See above. |
The Demon area was tricky. We had to create two variations of each room: one for the past, and one for the present. Both of which had their own traversal and puzzles. Here the center platform stands as a combat space, the overall goal being to reach the door on the other side. This is the past version. |
Same as above, but present version. |
Same as above. Past version. The corruption in this room had to be destroyed to get rid of the corruption in the present version, to get access to a key. Creating a central space was important and all of the elements help point to that area. |
Same as above, present version. The corruption that was destroyed in the past version gets rid of the corruption here, allowing access to a chest. |